Family Law


Dissolution of Marriage

In Florida law, “divorce” is  referred to as  “dissolution of marriage.”  To grant a divorce, the court must find a valid marriage exists, that one party has been a Florida resident for six months immediately preceding the filing of a petition, and that the marriage is irretrievably broken.  Whether the dissolution of marriage is contested or uncontested, we strive to reach the outcome you desire.  Please check out the frequently asked questions on our Dissolution of Marriage page.

Time-Sharing and Parental Responsibilities

“Child custody” is referred to in Florida law as “time-sharing.”  If you are looking for a dissolution of marriage with children, looking to establish a parenting plan or time-sharing schedule, or if you would like to mfather and childodify a current time-sharing plan, we are more than happy to help.

Child Support

Common child support issues include:

  • the amount of support
  • the method of payment
  • ways to ensure payments are made
  • when child support may be increased or decreased
  • who claims the dependency deduction for tax purposes

For frequently asked questions about child support and links to help you estimate child support, you can click on the Child Support page link above by the calculator.


Spousal Support

“Alimony” in Florida is referred to as “spousal support.”  Unlike child support, there is no mathematical formula to compute an amount of spousal support.  Common factors considered by the court include:

  • the parties’ prior standard of living
  • length of marriage
  • age and physical and emotional condition of both spouses
  • each spouse’s financial resources and income-capacity of the assets they receive
  • the time necessary to acquire sufficient education or training to find appropriate employment
  • the services rendered in homemaking, child-rearing, and the education and career-building of the other spouse